MUSIC: Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not by the Artic Monkeys
You can't switch on the radio or TV at the moment without seeing new indie sensation the Arctic Monkeys, so I thought I'd give their album a go.
My first impression after a listen through? Two good songs and why all the hype? I really like Bet You Look Good on the Dancefloor and Mardy Bum. There's something about the singer's voice that works extremely well in the first of those. However, that Sheffield twang seems off in a lot of the other offerings on the album.
I told one of my friends this and she was outraged - The Arctic Monkeys are her new fave band. She says she tried to get tickets to their gig but they sold out in five minutes!
Once back in the office she sent me a quote from Jade Goody's next column in Now Magazine.
"Further to our conversation earlier, can I just share this gem from Jade 'She's gobby, but she's a Goody' (yes, that really is the strapline) in her column this
'I'm lovin' Arctic Monkeys! Their CD is brilliant and I was well impressed. Love 'em, love 'em, love 'em.'
Perhaps you were right about them after all..."
I have to admit there are some pretty good lyrics that reach out to a modern audience dotted through the tracks. They're not quite Goldie Looking Chain chav-funny, but there are some poignant modern day references thrown in.
So what's the verdict? Right now, it's too early to tell. Some of the albums I hated at first grew on me to become my favourites. I'll probably start liking them just as the phrase "Artic who?" comes into fashion.
Buy Whatever People Say I Am That's What I'm Not by the Artic Monkeys at
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