Sunday, March 26, 2006

Web Dev

Or website development as anyone outside Shoreditch would call it. It can be a slow process when you're doing each page by hand, rather than in a snazzy web generator-type program.

You know what won't help? Forgetting to write down the font you used for the main links on your homepage. Updating the Matt Chapman website isn't going to be a simple delete and replace if you don't know that. Still it's your own falut for including links to important stuff like where you work. Because that never changes, does it dumbass?!

Oh and if you think the font is easy to figure out (having tried every one it must be Palatino), did you remember what colour you made the roll-over buttons? What do you mean you've slept since then? You mean I have to trial and error about 80 different colours side by side until we match it up. Gggaaaaarrhggghh.


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