Monday, July 10, 2006

Possibly the best press release in the world

Beer writers challenge media over lack of space and time for beer

The new Chairman of the British Guild of Beer Writers is freelance beer writer Tim Hampson.

He replaces Morning Advertiser Editor Andrew Pring who held the position for three years, following the organisation's AGM, held at the Brook Green Hotel in London.

Tim Hampson said:
"The Guild will challenge the myth held by many in the media that people in the UK do not want to read about beer.

Beer is our national drink - yet more media space and time is given to wine."

"My ambition as new Chairman of the Guild is to raise the profile of beer and beer writing in the UK and help people understand that beer has a far greater complexity of colours, aromas, tastes and styles than wine can ever have. Beer is a fabulous natural drink, made with wonderful raw materials.
The media applauds wine makers but now the time has come when we should celebrate the skill, science, craft and artistry of brewers who make the thousands of beers that so many of us enjoy."

"We will build a stronger dialogue with other groups promoting beer and we will be approaching BBPA, Cask Marque, CAMRA and the Beer Academy who are all trying to do similar things to us to discuss how we can add value to them and how they in turn can add value to us."


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