Friday, April 28, 2006

Nintendo loses the plot

Things not to do when you're trying to gain market share in the console game business.
* Launch a less powerful console games system after your competitors are already in the shops
* Try to charge more money for it

That's what Nintendo is going to do with the Revolution.

But hang on a minute, maybe that's not enough to ensure your console stays a minority player? How about you give it a stupid name that bars anyone who doesn't want to have the piss taken out of them from buying it?

Is that the thinking behind the name change from Nintendo Revelution to Nintendo Wii (pronounced 'we')?

I mean, why the feck would you think Wii is a better name than Revolution, which actually sounded quite cool? Have your marketing people been taking advice from dim celebs who name their kids ridiculous things on the basis that they're going to get beaten up in school anyway?

I think we need an explanation, and the official announcement finally gets somewhere after a bit of waffle.

"But you're probably asking: What does the name mean?
Wii sounds like "we," which emphasizes this console is for everyone.
Wii can easily be remembered by people around the world, no matter what language they speak. No confusion. No need to abbreviate. Just Wii."

Ahh, I see. Nintendo is setting up a global brand. That's clever. I mean, that way gameplayers all over the world won't buy it by mistake when they go looking for an Xbox 360 or the coming-eventually PS3.

You never know, maybe sales will boom as mums dragging kids around the world's malls mistake their cries of "I need a wee" for something more consumer than a simple wish to micturate.

Not to be confused with: WWII


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