Sunday, July 24, 2005

POKER: Poker update

Royal Flush

Thought it was time we had a bit of a poker update. The face-to-face games have leveled off to a point where I'm no longer in the top 10 of my poker group (the game I played in last Tuesday and won £15 in doesn't count). However, the online games have taken a bit of an upturn. I seem to have a knack for playing in Victor Chandler tournaments and you can see my first ever royal flush shown above. A few months play there has more than tripled my original total to £53.52! My Party Poker account has also benefited slightly from some trials on the beginner Holdem tables. And I've knocked TruePoker off the chart completely, because it charges higher fees for its tourney games than other sites.
There's always a downside, though - otherwise I'd be quitting my job and turning poker pro. The $50 I deposited at PokerStars has been squashed like a small man with an appetite for big women. The original $50 is now just $21.05. However, even this cloud has a silver lining (who says gamblers aren't optimistic!) The reason I was playing on Stars in the first place is that I was writing a feature about online poker for Web User magazine. If Tony "Golden" Holden can claim his poker-related journalist work as profit during his year as a pro then I'm doing the same! After all, if I didn't play online I wouldn't have gotten the gig. And it does make my total seem much more healthy...

-£112 (including the 7-2os World Series of Poker £30 buy-in)
£53.52 Victor Chandler Poker (+£39.19)
£17.19 PartyPoker (+£6.95)
£21.05 PokerStars (-£16.64)
£198 Online Poker feature (+£198)
£177.76 Poker Balance (+£115.50)


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